
GrowingAwake Books Presents…

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A Look Inside

Finding God


2022 Nautilus Book Awards

2022 National Indie Excellence Awards

2022 Moonbeam Gold Medal Winner

Meet the women behind the book:


A glowing review from New York Times bestselling author…

“Tremendous gratitude to you for sharing your magnificent, life changing creation! I absolutely cherish the deep messaging, life-like narrative and beautiful exposition of Finding G-d in All I See.  

You grabbed hold of so many deep understanding of G-d's presence, that the child feels and knows, at once, at the physical and spiritual level.  The rays of the sun everywhere; warm and invigorating, life giving, I have always strongly experienced as G-d's presence from early childhood through now. Every little hummingbird and flower is an expression, often a messenger of G-d. Yes, yes, yes. G-d is ALL around us!

I so wish, MaryEllen, that I could have read your book to my children when they were young. Yours is the exact book that I had looked for, over and over, on the largely silly shelves of Barnes and Noble. How I wanted to find exactly your book! G-d's presence in all creation, including us (we are continuous with sacred nature)!

Thank you for your glorious work! Thank you for creating an experience for families of young children that nourishes the natural birthright (rather than let it lay fallow or even disavowed) of the innately spiritual child and equally the parent whose spirituality again now emerges with the felt sense of G-d through the child. 

With splendor you sing praise in the natural chords of the child, the music that awakens awareness in the parent.”

- Lisa Miller, Ph.D.

Professor & Founder of Spirituality and Mind-Body Institute

Columbia University, Teachers College

Author of:

The Spiritual Child: The New Science of Parenting for Health

Lifelong Thriving

The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality

Our Quest for an Inspired Life

Illustration from Finding God in All I See, Finding God in You and Me

“Speaking as a theologian with grandchildren of my own, Finding God in All I See is a rare find! Grandmother Willow’s gentle alluring wisdom invites children—as well as grown ups!—to recognize their own wonder as catching the hint of holiness in all that is. Using images that children will easily resonate with—and likely multiply—the neatest thing about reading this tale with a child may well be what happens after you close the book. You might find yourself tagging along to discover where else in their own world they find God with fresh wonder. A marvelous gift for little mystics!”

— David Weiss, author of When God Was a Little Girl

 A Message to Grown-Ups

When you were a child, what did you think about God? Where did you think God lived? What did you think God was like? Where did you think you could find God? Chances are, you experienced God in many ways without realizing it, because the places you were taught to look for God were limited. What if someone in your life had taught you to find God everywhere and in everyone, including yourself?

This story begins with my seven-year-old granddaughter, Teagan:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I jumped at Teagan’s parents’ invitation to spend time with her by helping her with her homework via Zoom. Her Catholic elementary school had just closed its doors, and all teaching was now online. Because I hold a graduate degree in spirituality, it was a natural fit for me to help her with religion homework. Working with the first-grade curriculum, however, it soon became obvious to me that there was so much more I wanted Teagan to know about God. My desire to introduce Teagan to an intimate, immediate, and ever-present Divine Presence was the impetus for writing this book.

Children are natural-born mystics and contemplatives filled with wonder, curiosity, and imagination. Teagan is no exception. Whenever she visited me in Seattle, we would spend time in my yard on Lake Washington gathering little “offerings” of rocks, shells, flowers, and other treasures. Teagan was eager to search for fairies in the hidden places in the garden and we’d always pause to greet Grandmother Willow—an old (and very wise) willow tree that grew next to the lake. I delighted, as did Grandmother Willow, in Teagan’s eagerness to connect with the natural world, for I knew this sense of wonder was the gateway to experiencing Divine Presence.

Although they may not name it as such, children know God in a way that many adults have forgotten or never imagined. Many of us were taught a story of separation from God and our unworthiness. The image of God we are taught as children has a powerful and lasting effect on us. We take these stories and images into adulthood, where they shape our worldview and determine how and where we find meaning and purpose in life. Our God image also influences where we look for Divine Presence and, ultimately, where we find it.

In many ways the story we teach our children about God is too small. Just as our understanding of the Universe has expanded, we need a larger story about God and our relationship with the Divine. What if we taught our children that God is in the air we breathe, everywhere and unseen, finding expression in all of creation—and most especially in and through human beings? What if we taught that God can be experienced in moments of stillness, in moments of sadness and joy, in our friends, and even in those people we find hard to love? What if we taught our children that each of them is a unique expression of God in the world and that they honor God by becoming themselves?

It is my belief that we are soaking in Divine Presence. We can never be separated from it, only asleep to it. Nature is a powerful teacher of this reality. My hope is that this book encourages you to find God in your surroundings and everyday experiences, to open fresh eyes to what is already here, to awaken to Divine Presence within you and around you, and then to share your experience with the children in your life.


Two years after the publication of Finding God in All I See, Finding God in You and Me, Grandmother Willow left us.

November, 2023 - 

Grandmother Willow was a spectacular 80-year-old willow tree that not only graced our yard but held a significant role in the book. It was Grandmother Willow who taught Little Girl to discover the presence of God in nature, in others, and, most importantly, within herself. Witness the mesmerizing video captured by Robin Layton, a talented artist, photojournalist, and filmmaker who was nominated for the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. This poignant footage, filmed in Robin’s signature impressionistic style, portrays the final moments of Grandmother Willow as it succumbs to disease.