GrowingAwake Books

GrowingAwake Books is about teaching children a larger story of God.

This story begins with a child’s wholeness and oneness with God and allows them to experience Divine Presence all around them—in the ordinariness of their lives, in all of creation, in others, and especially in themselves.

Children are natural born mystics and contemplatives filled with wonder, curiosity, and imagination.

Nurturing this deep connection to spirit teaches children that they can never be separated from God’s presence. 

Children often know God in a way that many adults have forgotten or never imagined.

GrowingAwake Books honors and encourages these early God experiences.

“I have come to understand that the invitation of the spiritual journey, no matter which path one follows, is to connect with the place of Divine Love within and to allow that love to come to expression uniquely in and through each of us. GrowingAwake Books is created to nurture children along this path of love and awakening."

~MaryEllen Weber